A-Level/Mixed Study


Accounting (A-Level)
Applied Science
Art & Design - 3D Design & Technology (A-Level)
Art & Design - Fine Art, Craft & Design (A-Level)
Art & Design - Graphic Design (A-Level)
Art & Design – Photography (A-Level)
Art & Design - Textiles - Initial Assignment - Transition to Level 3 (A-Level)
Biology (A-Level) and laboratory safety rules
Business (A-Level)
Business (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Chemistry (A-Level)
Computer Science (A-Level)
Criminology (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Dance - Induction task - Reading and resources (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Digital Games Production (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Drama & Theatre (A-Level)
Economics (A-Level)
English Language (A-Level)
English Literature (A-Level)
English Language & Literature (A-Level)
Film Studies (A-Level)
Further Mathematics (A-Level) - please see Mathematics
Geography (A-Level)

Geology (A-Level)
Health & Social Care (Vocational - A-Level equivalent) 
History (A-Level)
Information Technology (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Law (A-Level and Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Mathematics (A-Level)
Media Studies (A-Level)
Music Technology (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Music Performance (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Philosophy, Ethics & Religion (A-Level)
Physics (A-Level)
Physical Education – Sport Studies (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Physical Education – Sport Science (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Politics (A-Level)
Psychology (A-Level)
Public Services (Vocational - A-Level equivalent)
Sociology (A-Level)
Spanish (A-Level) - Assignment 1 - Assignment 2 - Listening piece

Vocational Level 3

Early Years Educator (Childcare & Education) - Assignments will be set on first day of teaching
Football Coaching - City in the Community - Coaching session plan
Forensic Science
Health & Social Care
Information Technology
Public Services
Sport and Football - Coaching session plan

T Levels

Education and Childcare



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