First Aid Training for students during Enrichment

13 December 2018

Students at Ashton Sixth Form College have multiple opportunities to take part in 'Enrichment' during their time at the college. 

These particular students chose to give up their time to gain an extra qualification in First Aid.

Throughout the day, students learn the first aid basics and develop an understanding of how to respond to somebody who is in need of medical attention. 

First Aid is a particularly sought after enrichment activity as students get to do it just twice each academic year. For those heading in to careers with the health sector or emergency services or related careers, this specific qualification is highly recognised.

Working together throughout the training, students improve their skills in responsibility, leadership and communication. They have the opportunity to meet new people across the college who have similar interests and passions too. 

Find out more about 'Enrichment' opportunities at Ashton here

Tags: opportunities enrichment first aid

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