Working well together - A+ Trust Peer Reviews

26 February 2015

A+ Trust school leaders recently visited Ashton Sixth Form College to conduct peer reviews, looking at teaching and learning and speaking to the student body. The peer reviews included full lesson observations, learning walks and work scrutiny in order to identify areas of strength and look at where improvements can be made.

The panel of reviewers from Longdendale High School and Astley Sports College found that students feel well taught and well supported, by staff who are passionate about their subject, as well as receiving strong pastoral support. Students also reported they felt stretched/challenged and were progressing well, commenting that they felt well prepared for their next steps in education or employment. The reviewers also observed a number of good and outstanding lessons. Areas for improvement were also identified and targets set including training sessions for all teachers in extended questioning. The observations made during the peer reviews will inform future training needs and help to spread good practice throughout the Trust schools.

Trust members are working collaboratively and co-operatively to meet the needs of individuals and support their most vulnerable learners. Sharing expertise and best practice whilst establishing a partnership of trust, integrity and a commitment to excellence. With a holistic view of education the Trust involves a special school, secondary schools and a sixth form college, with member schools having close links with primary schools and Higher Education institutions.

All institutions share a moral and educational vision that is fundamental to the Trust and the challenge in driving achievement and aspiration upwards.


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