Students rap their futures with MyKindaCrowd

13 November 2014

Representatives from the award winning MyKindaCrowd recently visited college to ask students “What will you do after sixth form?” and explore post college options.

MyKindaCrowd provides industry and business linked challenges which offer students the opportunity to engage with industry leading organisations and gain valuable project experience.

Simon Bates from MyKindaCrowd talked to students about University and the other options available after college such as higher apprenticeships as well as moving into full time work. The session worked towards students collaborating to create a rap about their future and their thoughts on University life, before performing their verse for the audience.

Relative newcomer to the rap game and inventively titled ‘Corned Beef Keith’ also known as Garrick Brown (second year A-level student) gave a crowd rousing performance before being crowned the eventual winner.

“Corned Beef Keith 2014! Today I learnt that anything is possible – for instance, I just won a rap battle, I never thought that would happen! I’ll be looking into higher apprenticeships in Business Management or Human Resources, just in case the rap career doesn’t work out.”
Garrick Brown

“I learnt more about apprenticeships and certainly feel more informed and thanks to Simon – inspired”
Gabrielle Grindrod

Many thanks to the careers team for organising this fun and informative session, the students were really engaged and challenged throughout, producing some excellent and insightful raps as part of the challenge. Well done to those students who performed their verses in front of the 40 strong crowd and many thanks to Simon for being such an inspirational guest.

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