Results Day Success – Headline Figures

14 August 2014

We are delighted to report our best ever result for both A-level and vocational students, which include:

An A-level pass rate of 99%, which we have maintained for the past 4 years.
A 6% increase in high grades over 2 years, to take us to our highest % ever.
An impressive 39 AS/A-level courses have a 100% pass rate.
73% of all A-level grades achieved were A* – C grades, an increase of 3% over two years and our highest ever.
A 100% pass rate on our BTEC courses, with around 3 /4 achieving distinction grades, and all students on BTEC Business and Performing Arts achieving distinction grades.
48 students achieved D*D*D* (the highest grade possible) in their BTEC
This year we will see over 600 of our students progress onto over 60 different universities and many others have already taken up excellent employment opportunities. We look forward to seeing them on results day to share in their success.
These results reflect the hard work of our students and staff, as well as the unfailing support of their parents. We are very proud of these achievements and would like to thank all involved.

Principal Dr Janet Nevin says

“We are very positive about this year’s A-Level results. Both our overall results and percentage of high grades have been improving year on year and our students and teachers have been working incredibly hard to continue this trend in 2014.

“Results day is always an anxious and exciting day and we are looking forward to seeing our students and hearing about their success.

“We are also looking forward to speaking to the great many students that will be progressing onto university, higher apprenticeships or employment to wish them the very best in their next step.”

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