Oliver Newall – Teen Star UK North West Finalist

26 March 2014

Oliver started playing the guitar and writing music at the age of 9 when his Dad bought him a guitar as a surprize Christmas present, he’s been hooked ever since.

Last year Oliver made it as far as the North East Final in Newcastle (due to being unavailable for the Manchester dates) but this year he has his sights on the National Final at the O2 Arena in London.

After attending an audition and gaining a place in the Manchester Finals, where he gave an acoustic performance of his own song ‘Hard Times’, Oliver is now through to the North West final where he will be competing for a place at the National Finals.

Last year’s National Final winner Luke Friend went on to star in the X-Factor, coming 3rd in the final.

As well as the opportunity to perform in front of a huge crowd at the legendary O2 arena Oliver has the chance to win studio time and £5,000 in cash to help develop his act. The winner would also feature in the national music press and receive a consultation and development package including access to industry contacts and a slot at the Hop Farm music festival, Kent, on the same billing as My Bloody Valentine and many others.

Speaking to Oliver it was clear he was really excited and motivated at the prospect of winning through to the finals; “It was a brilliant evening and I’m really happy to get through to the next round, although it will be really competitive. To play at the O2 arena would be massive, I’m really excited at the possibility and it’s a huge opportunity that not many people will ever have.”

We all wish Oliver the best of luck for the North West Finals on 18th May 2014, you can show your support through Twitter @olivernewall @TeenStarComp and find out more via the website www.teenstarcompetition.co.uk

You can watch Oliver Perform his original “Last Song” from last year’s competition here new video coming soon!

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