Physics students visit London Science Museum

28 January 2014

It was well worth the effort as the group would be experiencing the ground-breaking, awe-inspiring Large Hadron Collider Exhibition at London’s famous Science Museum.

This was an exciting opportunity to extend the students’ knowledge of the amazing world ‘beyond the atom’, complementing recent work on particle physics. It also gave the students a chance to follow a day in the life of an experimental physicist as she realised that the data she was analysing actually DID predict the presence of the famous Higgs boson…

Student comments from the day;

‘Visiting London and learning new science in a new place was great’

‘It helped me understand more about what’s going on with the world around me, regarding the technology’

’10,000 people work at the Large Hadron Collider!’

The Physics department at Ashton Sixth Form College is grateful to the Ogden Trust for the funding of this event.

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