New student evening for parents (virtual)

28 September 2020, 6.00pm

The start to this year has been unusual and different to any other year. We lengthened the enrolment process to allow for social distancing, have implemented a blended learning approach to teaching and have made significant changes to the college site. All of this is to ensure that the college campus is as COVID safe as it is possible to be. The health and safety of all members of the college community is paramount.

As a result of the current situation, we are unable to host our evening for the parents of new students in the usual way. As an alternative, we have recorded a voiced-over powerpoint which we plan to share with parents. This will be emailed to you on Monday 28th September.

We are also holding a live Question and Answer session through Microsoft Teams from 6.00 until 7.00 on the same date (28th September). To ask a question, please book a slot using the link which has been emailed to you. A link for the Microsoft Teams meeting will be sent to you on Monday along with joining instructions.

We hope to be able to meet you in person in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact your son / daughter’s Senior Tutor if you have any question or queries.

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