College update - 26.01.22

26 January 2022

Dear student

I am, writing to clarify the college's position on the wearing of face coverings in corridors and communal spaces. After a meeting with Headteachers, Principals and Population Health Tameside, it has been agreed that we will continue with the policy of wearing face coverings in both corridors and communal spaces until further notice.

Whilst overall case numbers have fallen in Tameside (992/100,000), they are not yet low and have plateaued over the last week.  Rates among children and young people continue to increase, and Tameside currently has the highest rates in Greater Manchester and one of highest in the Northwest, with the rate in primary and secondary aged pupils being higher than any other age group.  The current rate of new infections in primary aged children is currently 2417/100,000 and secondary 1834/100,000.  Many schools are seeing significantly high levels of covid-related absence and also experiencing challenges with staffing capacity as a result.

I understand that this will be disappointing to many, but protecting the heath of all members of the college community and ensuring that all students have an uninterrupted period of education in the run up to examinations are paramount.

Your co-operation would be appreciated. Please continue to bring your own face covering and wear them when in communal spaces (Costa, Food Market, library, IT and Learning Centre) and on the corridor.

Warm regards


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