Coronavirus response update - 18.06.20

18 June 2020

Coronavirus response update 18th June 2020

I hope this finds you and your family safe and well. 

A few updates today:

Tomorrow, email invitations will be sent to a small number of students to come in to college for some face to face support from the 24th June. Please follow the instruction in the email. Please note, students should not come to college without an invitation; we need to know who is on site at any one time to inform NHS Track and Trace should this service be required.   

Also tomorrow, I will be sending out a powerpoint to your sons and daughters indicating what we have done at the college to make it as safe as possible for their return. There will also be a ‘Dos and Don’ts’ document outlining the main things to remember when on site. It is important that you remind your sons and daughters to adhere to these rules when on college grounds. These documents provide a simplified version of the full risk assessment completed by the college SLT.

The Board met last night to finalise and approve the college risk assessment and to agree the date of reopening as the 22nd June for staff and the 24th June for invited students. 

That’s all for today

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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