British Physics Olympiad

27 April 2012

Six of Ashton Sixth Form College’s gifted Physicists took part in this year’s Physics Olympiad. The college is delighted that all six students were awarded participation, bronze and silver certificates following their performance in this national competition.

The British Physics Olympiad (BPhO) aims to encourage the study of Physics and recognise excellence in young physicists through annual physics competitions. The competition is designed to test understanding and develop problem solving skills and is open to able young physicists studying A-Level Physics in schools and colleges.

Participation in a British Physics Olympiad is a challenge for able students and allows them to:

  • Have fun problem solving
  • Test their knowledge with stimulating questions
  • See the real-world problem-solving potential of physics
  • Practice open-ended and unstructured questions, as seen at higher levels of study
  • Gain a prestigious award for CVs and UCAS forms
  • Win certificates and book prizes
  • Compare their attainment with students from all over the United Kingdom

It is an exciting opportunity for AS students to stretch their lateral thinking skills and apply fundamental physical principles to novel situations.

Pictured are students (L-R) Mike Sullivan (Bronze Award), Jonathan Deakin and Ben Fox (Silver Awards).

Congratulations to all the students who took part.

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