Virtual Student Induction Day

29 June 2020

This event is for student who made an application and have been made an offer of a place for September 2020.

As you progress on to the next stage of your education with us, it is important that you are prepared and feel part of our college community from day one. Our New Student Induction Day would have taken place in college on Monday 29th June but given the current circumstances we will be bringing this day to you at home! 

Our Principal will be welcoming you to the college and talking about what happens next, reassuring you about the safety measures we have put in place and reminding you of our college expectations. We will also provide you with further details about enrolment which takes place from Thursday 20th August.
There will be a live Q&A with the Admissions team at 3PM. You can Click here to sign up to be part of this.

Information about this event has been emailed to all students holding offers. Keep an eye on your emails for further updates. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us via email.

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